

Offering a full range of services and treatments, using advanced imaging technologies and diagnostic tools, and emphasising a conservative approach with non-invasive and minimally invasive techniques whenever possible. Our team-based approach brings together surgeons, anaesthetists, pain management specialists, and other experts to focus on the patient. We work closely with patients to outline a personalised treatment plan designed to help them manage symptoms and restore quality of life. We provide prevention and wellness programmes along with patient education to foster understanding of their conditions and treatment options. Patients can leave the surgery centre sooner, recover faster, and return to their normal lifestyle as soon as possible.

  • A consultation within 1-2 weeks;
  • Your surgery will take around 1-3 weeks following your consultation;
  • A friendly treatment team led by your consultant, from start to finish;
  • High quality care.

We don't just care for your health conditions. We care about you. That means our team takes the time to listen to what's important to you before recommending next steps.

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It's easier than you think to access private treatment without needing health insurance. Our simple process allows you to access our services for the treatment you need, when you need it. At Harley Surgical Practice, you can pay for yourself (also known as self-pay or self-funding) for any of our treatments, at any of our practises. You can either pay in full or use one of our flexible payment plans to spread the cost across smaller monthly installments. In our payment section, you can find a step-by-step guide that tells you everything you need to know about accessing private healthcare on a pay-as-you-go basis. However, if you have insurance, read our guide to paying for healthcare with private health insurance.
Book an appointment it is very easy and you can do it now online.

1. When you attend the appointment, you need a GP referral letter, Our consultants will ask for a referral letter from a GP before you attend the appointment. This is normally done so that they can double-check that their medical expertise meets your needs (as confirmed by your GP's recommendation). If you do need a referral letter, speak to our friendly GP partnership Private GP Canary Wharf team on 020 7531 7120 or make an email enquiry to a same-day GP service at

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You will usually need to make an appointment to discuss the referral, though sometimes this can be done over the phone. Either way, you should tell the GP that you want to go private with Harley Surgical Practice (HSP) and share your research into which hospital and consultant you would like to see. They will take this into consideration when they refer you to a consultant.

2. Self-referrals are accepted if there is a documented history or for a second opinion.

Your initial consultation is a very important part of having private treatment with Harley Surgical Practice. This is where your consultant will get to know you, your condition, and your symptoms.
The appointment will usually involve an analysis of your medical history as well as a physical examination. Your consultant might decide that you need scans or tests in order to confirm a diagnosis. For example, an ultrasound scan or some blood tests If so, usually you'll be asked to come back at a later date to have these done. If you do need diagnostic tests, you might need a follow-up appointment with your consultant to discuss the results. Once a diagnosis has been made, your consultant will walk you through their findings and the treatment options they recommend.
Once you've both decided on the best course of action, they can tell you the cost of treatment, which will usually be in the form of a price package.
If you need surgery, your consultant will suggest when this could take place. Otherwise, you will leave your consultation with a series of treatment options to consider before receiving a letter at home confirming your diagnosis and options.
Your consultant may confirm that you do not need further treatment after identifying your health issue. In this instance, you can return home with your query resolved.
After your consultation, if you're happy with your recommended treatment plan and price package, we will schedule an appropriate treatment date for you. We try to be as flexible as possible when it comes to scheduling treatment, so do talk to our team about what works best for you.
The pre-assessment clinic is a nurse-led clinic and plays an important part in the preparation for your surgery. It includes an assessment of your general health and fitness before surgery by carrying out various tests and investigations. If you have more complex medical issues, you may be seen in a clinic led by an anaesthetic consultant.

Routine observations will be recorded, which will include:
  • Completion of a health questionnaire;
  • Blood pressure, pulse, weight, height and urine analysis;
  • Blood tests may be required. If you are needle phobic, please inform us prior to your appointment;
  • Electrocardiogram (ECG) records the rate, rhythm and electrical activity of your heart. It is a simple test that takes about five minutes and does not cause any discomfort;
  • Most elective patients are pre-assessed with a baseline screen for MRSA. This depends on the surgery that you will be having. Patients with a positive MRSA screen are treated and re-screened before admission.

If everything is satisfactory, our nurses will explain the plan for the day of your surgery, provide information leaflets about your procedure, and answer any questions or queries that you may have. We will also discuss the prevention of deep vein thrombosis.

If, for any reason, we think you should not undergo surgery at this time, we will discuss this with you and look to reschedule your surgery where appropriate.

If further tests are needed, the pre-assessment nurse will refer you to the relevant hospital department or your GP. If we find that you have problems such as high blood pressure or diabetes, you will need to visit your GP for treatment.

Should you become ill before your surgery, however mildly, before you are admitted, please contact us to let us know of your condition at the earliest possible opportunity, as it may affect your planned treatment.

Once you have booked your surgery, you will receive an admission letter from your clinic / surgeon advising you of:

  • The date and time to arrive at the hospital and the hospital address
  • When to stop eating and drinking before the surgery, i.e., pre-operative fasting

Please ensure you read your pre-operative and post-operative instructions carefully. If you have any queries, please contact your operating surgeon.

If you have been scheduled as a day case, this means it is expected you will go home on the same day as the procedure. If you are admitted as an overnight patient, you will usually go home one day later.

The final step in your private healthcare journey is getting better. At Circle Health Group, we are here to support you throughout your recovery. We want you to recover as quickly and fully as possible.
Our team will provide you with post-operative instructions after your surgery, which you are advised to read thoroughly to ensure effective healing. Follow the aftercare carefully. Your surgeon will arrange postoperative follow-up. 
Your post-operative follow-up appointments to check your wounds will generally be 7–14 days later. Our team will also offer you another check-up appointment a few weeks or six months after that.

Provided Services & Procedures

When it comes to having surgery, you want the best treatment and a compassionate staff who will personally make sure all your questions and concerns are addressed. At the Harley Surgical Practice (HSP), our board-certified and specialised surgeons are skilled in minimally invasive techniques to provide a full range of surgical services, including laparoscopic abdominal surgery. From diagnosis through follow-up, we coordinate our services with doctors in other specialties as well as your GP to ensure everyone is working together to provide you with the best possible care. Our goal is to not only treat your condition but also minimise pain and scarring, reduce recovery time, and get you back to your normal daily life as quickly as possible.

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Hernia Surgery

Hernias can be diagnosed by your healthcare provider and may involve a physical examination or scan. There are many types of hernias, based on factors such as location in the body and cause. They grow large over time as the pressure inside the abdomen pushes on the area of weakness.

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Haemorrhoidal Surgery

Haemorrhoids are very common. They result from increased pressure on the anus. This can occur during pregnancy or childbirth or due to constipation. The pressure causes the normal anal veins and tissue to swell. This tissue can bleed, often during bowel movements.

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Anal Fistula Surgery

Anal fistulas are often quite painful and inconvenient, and they can develop into severe, even life-threatening conditions like sepsis if you don't seek care. An anal fistula is a path that forms between an infected anal gland (an abscess) and a skin opening near the anus.

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Lipoma Surgery

A lipoma is a small, fatty tumour that grows under the skin. These soft lumps are benign and do not pose a health risk under 10 cm, but after that, they must require investigations. While lipomas are not dangerous, they can cause cosmetic concerns or put pressure on nerves, causing pain or discomfort.

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Biopsy and Excision Surgery

Biopsy and excision are procedures performed generally under local anaesthesia in which skin lesions are cut out. They may be performed for both benign and malignant skin conditions. Some common benign skin conditions that may require excision include cysts, moles, and dermatofibromas.

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Ingrown Toenail Surgery

An ingrown toenail is a common condition typically affecting the great toe in which the corner or side of the nail becomes incurvated (turned inward) and grows into the skin and soft flesh of the toe.
Relieve ingrown toenail pain and discomfort with surgical treatment.

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Pilonidal Sinus Surgery

A pilonidal cyst is a pocket that forms around a hair follicle in the crease between the buttocks. The area may look like a small pit or pore in the skin that contains a dark spot or hair. Sometimes the cyst can become infected; this is called a pilonidal abscess and may require an incision and drainage.

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Anal fissure

An anal fissure is a small tear in the thin, moist tissue that lines the anus. An anal fissure may occur when you pass hard or large stools during a bowel movement. Anal fissures typically cause pain and bleeding with bowel movements. You may also experience spasms in your anal sphincter.

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